Barber Signs and Imagery

The other week walking down London’s Kingsland Road in Dalston I took an illusionistic street photograph involving a barbershop window that regularly catches my eye. In the mix is a striking, monochromatic bearded profile with pronounced eyebrows as well as a beautiful, shrouded female figure with crossed hands. Rather than hipster qualities I associate his … Read more


I was invited to the FA Community Shield at Wembley yesterday; Acoustically it’s very dynamic and nothing like watching football on TV. Here are a few things that caught my eye … The futuristic facade with its reflections: I liked this colourful, spiky recycled lion made from reclaimed waste: The artist is Faith Bebbington Mirror … Read more

Uncertain States /18 features my Frown Project!

I’m really pleased and excited that my “Frown Project” is being given exposure in the Uncertain States broadsheet, which is a quarterly magazine featuring work by lens-based artists.  The latest copy has just come out and has one of my re-presented images wrapped around the front and back cover: There’s also a page inside with … Read more